The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others

Education Support Project (ESP)
Since its beginning, the Society has promot-ed education mainly by way of distributing study materials and scholarships to de-serving and needy students under its Educational Support project. The main objec-tive of the project is to provide materialist and financial support to the destitute chil-dren from Puducherry & Tamil Nadu.
In 2020; Sharon Society received lots of applications and requests for educational support. COVID 19 left many families in financial crises and also made school/college education more expensive through the mode of “E-learning.” Parents with low-income groups were discontinuing their children’s education in the same school and admitted them in Govt. or Charitable schools. This situation creates pressure on students’ minds and is converted into depression. To deal with this situation, Sharon Society partnered with Corporates under the CSR Act and asked to support destitute students. This year (2021-22); we have supported 67 students in Puducherry and Tamil Nadu.
Shri. Suresh Raj, Commissioner , Oulgerate Municipality, Puducherry with Beneficiary