Giving is a powerful expression of care and compassion. Your contributions help us address critical needs, support communities, and bring hope to those who need it most. By giving, you show that you care and make a real difference in the lives of others.


With your support, we can bring our current project to life. Together, we’ll tackle this challenge and make a significant difference

Education Support Project (ESP)

Since its beginning, the Society has promot-ed education mainly by way of distributing study materials and scholarships to de-serving and needy students under its Educational Support project. The main objec-tive...

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Environmental Awareness

Sharon Society is engaged in conducting various Environmental Awareness Activities & programs among the young generation and generation public, which encourage engaging & protecting the environment. We have organized several...

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Snehan project was started in 2010 to rescue orphans/abandoned elders from the streets of Puducherry. The objective of the project is to identify homeless people; conduct rescue operations for them;...

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SHARON SPECIAL School was started in 2011 with few children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabili-ties (IDDs). The main objective of the Special School was to provide day care facilities and...

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Pushpagandhi Home was started in 2008 to provide alternative shelter for destitute aban-doned elderly surviving spouses. In 2014, the home was recog-nized by State Govt. as licensed under the Maintenance...

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